Author Archives: Bogdan Coamesu

SharePoint with more than one SQL instance: possible or not possible

The first question that I have in mind before continuing this post is:

Q: Is it possible to have multiple instances for the same SharePoint farm?

A: Yes it is possible, we can have more than one SQL instance where we can store the content databases.

If you want to transfer a SharePoint content database from one instance to another you can use the following procedure:
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SharePoint 2013 and Office Web Apps 2013 – Edit in browser option

In the last few days I have made several tests with SPS2013 and Office Web Apps 2013.

For the deployment and configuration I have used the following two articles:

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FAST search for SharePoint 2010 and JDBC connector

I have decided to publish some articles regarding SharePoint FAST Search and JDBC connector. This article is not treating any performance issue.

The scope of this article is to present some of the key points regarding JDBC connector.


If you plan to install FAST Search Server 2010 I recommend using the steps that are presented in this TechNet article (Install FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint).

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Developer Dashboard SharePoint 2010

The Developer Dashboard is a new feature in SharePoint 2010 that helps a developer or system administrator to troubleshoot problems with page components and performance bottlenecks.

In order to monitor usage and resource consumption, Developer Dashboard is using the following counters:

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